Monday, February 23, 2009

The Highlander Team - The Highlander Difference

There is this huge bright spot on the horizon for this business. It's been years in the making. I am proud of the accomplishments that I have made, the obstacles that I have overcome, the wonderful clients that I have had. In just over a months time, I will be moving to a brand new store front operation in Woodstock. I have been planning it for months, looking at where I need to advance services and equipment. They say that no man is an island. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I believe that the lesson learned from that statement is that the wise business man surrounds himself with like minds, creative differences, common goals and different approaches. He acts like a true leader by enlisting others that are dedicated to advancing his cause. I would like to use this post to introduce those who have help with all aspects of HIGHLANDER

Davey Bergen, Partner Field and Studio Photographer and Digital Imager

Ralph and Yvonne Boniface, Associate Fine Art Photographers (Gallery)
Ruthanne Rule, Associate Fine Art Photographer (Gallery), Graphic Designer
Bruce Hartley, Associate Fine Art Photographer (Gallery)
Jerry Cornell, Associate Fine Art Photographer (Gallery), Imaging and Colour Management

And there will be more as we advance our goals. More Contributors, Sales Associates and Consultants.

I would also like to thank Tammy Gould and Cathy Bingham for their contributions and their encouragement.

Our unified goal is to become the "go to" place for photography, imaging, framing and printing!

Return to our website

1 comment:

  1. It is indeed a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to be associated with the other photographers, to take part in your gallery, and to have an opportunity to show my work.

    Creating a painting from a photograph is a new challenge for me and I look forward to the continued leaning and refining process and of course the potential for constructive criticism to help me move forward..

    Jerry Cornell
